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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags linux & "linux opensuse"


Bem-vindo ao - openSUSE

O projecto openSUSE consiste num esforço duma comunidade mundial patrocinado pela Novell que promove o uso do Linux nos quatro cantos do mundo. Este programa permite o acesso fácil e gratuito ao openSUSE. Aqui poderá encontrar e juntar-se a uma comunidade de utilizadores e programadores com um mesmo objectivo— criar e distribuir a distribuição Linux mais usável no mundo. O openSUSE também disponibiliza as bases para os SUSE Linux Enterprise produtos premiados da Novell.


Konqueror Tips and Tricks - openSUSE

Konqueror Tips and Tricks From openSUSE Konqueror is a great application which is often overlooked and inappropriately looked down upon. The more I use Konqueror, the more I come to love it and the more 'hidden' features I find. This page is an attempt to document these cool features. Please feel free to contribute your own favorite features and discoveries to the list


openSUSE 10.2 from NOVELL®

openSUSE® 10.2 For rich, reliable and secure home computing, there's no better choice than openSUSE 10.2. It features an easy-to-install Linux operating system that lets you browse the Web, send e-mail, chat with friends, organize digital photos, play movies and songs, and create documents and spreadsheets. You can even use it to host a Web site or blog, create a home network and develop your own applications. More

KDE4 - openSUSE

For openSUSE 10.3, the KDE Team is working on the base technologies of KDE 4. openSUSE 10.3 will offer by default a KDE3 desktop with single KDE4 applications. A complete preview of KDE 4.0 desktop can also be installed. The aim is to offer an easy way to update to the final KDE 4.0 release once it's available.