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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags linux & games

April 2009 Big Solitaires 3D

Collection of 40 Solitaire Games with 3D - OpenGL render. Ports to Win32 (win32 API and wxWidgets) and to Linux (GTK , wxWidgets). Tk Games: Files

Tkgames is a site for games written using the powerful tcl/tk language. These include my original tesselation puzzle Polypuzzle, and recent additions Hearts, Spider, Yahtzee and the tooo addictive, Tktk. Tk Games

Tkgames is a site for games written using the powerful tcl/tk language. These include my original tesselation puzzle Polypuzzle, and recent additions Hearts, Spider, Yahtzee and the tooo addictive, Tktk. NOTA>>>MESMO JOGO QUE ENCONTREI NO puppy linux? OU ERA OUTRO...TAMBÉM tkgames ?

March 2009

K Desktop Environment - Educational applications and Games

Learn and Discover with the KDE Educational applications Desktop Planetarium, KStars, provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. It can control telescopes and has many tools for the amateur or professional astronomer. This new version now shows millions of stars, can predict conjunctions and has a Sky Calendar. If you start it for the first time, a welcome wizard will show. After choosing your location, you can click the "Download Extra Data..." to select additional star and image data to install. Millions of stars are available in the packages, as well as inline thumbnail images which show images of objects right on the sky. There are several interesting educational applications of this program as well. Pushing "CTRL-F" will bring up the find dialog. Type a name of a heavenly object to find it, like the moon. You might want to turn off "Toggle opaque ground" (most right button on the toolbar) to see the object if it is below the horizon. If you now choose "Equatorial coordinates" by hitting the space bar and set the time per second in the toolbar to 1 hour, watch. The moon moves - but, seen from the equitorial, not in a horizontal line! Why is that? The reason is that the earth spins, but not entirely as you might expect: there is a tilt and a wobble to the spin of the earth, and thus the observer moves up and down... Making science visible to children in such a way is a strong tool in the classroom, and this is a truly educational application. And it is not just for children, so be sure to have a look at this application if you are interested in astronomy!

May 2008


by 3 others
News March 20, 2006 SuperKaramba 0.39 is out! Get it! The 0.37 release notes still apply to this release. There were mostly bugfixes in the this release as we worked on the KDE 3.5.2 development. Any bugs that are found should be reported to We have no ability to maintain until Adam's return. Anyone seeking themes should refer to What is SuperKaramba? SuperKaramba is, in simple terms, a tool that allows you to easily create interactive eye-candy on your KDE desktop. Currently, only linux is officially supported. How does it work? Theme writers create themes, or text files that define their widget. Then, they can optionally add python scripting to make their widget interactive. The possibilities are endless! Here are just some examples of the things that can be done: * Display system information such as CPU Usage, MP3 playing, etc. * Create cool custom toolbars that work any way imaginable * Create little games or virtual pets that live on your desktop * Display information from the internet, such as weather and headlines The possibilities really are endless! Screenshots: * XMMS Bar, a theme that allows you to easy control playing MP3s * TuxBar, a cool toolbar that has a effect sort of like the dock in MacOSX * Station V, a useless, but cool piece of eye candy Useful Links: * Information for Theme Creators * Download SuperKaramba

February 2008

Gimp Tutoriais

(via) Fevereiro 18, 2008, 02:52:33 * Olá, Visitante. Por favor Entre ou Registe-se se ainda não for membro. Perdeu o seu e-mail de activação? Entrar com nome de utilizador, password e duração da sessão Notícias: Última versão do GiMP: 2.4 Início Ajuda Pesquisa Calendário Entrar Registe-se playstation games 3D computação gráfica CG dualcore CPU monitores desenho computadores câmeras digitais scanners tablets cursos animação memória lcd linux nvidia gforce amd pendrive mp4 mp3 dvd divx > Gimp > Gimp Tutoriais (Moderadores: ducacm, The Nick)

October 2007 Files

A Java implementation of the famous Klondike solitaire game. It's available in English and French. Files

You have selected to download the 1.0.1-beta release. Below is a list of files contained in this release. Before downloading, you may want to read the release notes.

Frank's Corner, Running Windows applications and games on Linux/title>

by 4 others (via)
This website contains all the information you need to get some popular Windows applications and games running on Linux using Wine. Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. All information on this site is related to Wine and not to WineX/Cedega or CrossOver Office.

September 2007

Python Solitaire

PySolitaire is a fork of PySol Solitaire that runs correctly on Windows and has a nice clean installer. PySolitaire (Python Solitaire) is a collection of more than 300 solitaire and Mahjongg games. The origional PySol was written by Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer.

PySol Solitaire Home Page

Development news: PySol5 will be a major rewrite using the wxPython toolkit, including many new games, a plethora of new cool features, and a convenient Windows setup version. Unfortunately the rewrite is currently stuck halfway through, and as I'm really busy with other things there is no concrete timeframe for a first beta version

wine - Ubuntu Games

WineHQ é uma implementação livre de APIs Windows sobre as bibliotecas linux. Não é um emulador, nem uma máquina virtual, é um tradutor.

August 2007 Software Map

by 2 others
AprendeClick is a Live CD, contains a collection of interactive and educational soft (most are games) thougth mainly for spanish speakers. Es un CD booteable, contiene software educativo en español, para aprender jugando.


glChess is a 2D/3D chess game, where games can be played between a combination of human and computer players. glChess detects known third party chess engines for computer players. The game was originally developed by Robert Ancell, now the game is included in gnome-games. glChess is written in Python and uses GTK+ and Cairo to render the chess board. 3D support is optionally available using OpenGl, using the Python OpenGL and GtkGLExt libraries. As with most modern 3D programs hardware acceleration is recommended but it should run OK in software. glChess is bundled with GNU Chess as the default chess AI.