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PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tags js & code

November 2008

obtrusivejavascriptchecker - Google Code

by 1 other

Goes through all the HTML code in a web page, and outlines any HTML element with inline events with a red border.

nifty idea (via codepo8)

March 2008

xbl - Google Code

The XBL 2.0 has so far not been implemented in any modern web-browser. However the implementation hosted here is designed in a way that it will not be used in case browser supports the technology natively. The list below contains browsers on which the implementation was successfully tested.

via Glazou

November 2007

GmailGreasemonkey10API - gmail-greasemonkey - Google Code

by 2 others

API reference for version 1.0 of the experimental Gmail Greasemonkey API

future of web app is hackable

May 2007

greut's TAGS related to tag js

agile +   ajax +   api +   article +   atom +   bbc +   behaviours +   benchmarks +   bookmarklet +   business +   cache +   canvas +   closure +   code +   coding-tool +   comet +   cookies +   date +   design +   dev +   dhtml +   docs +   dotnet +   eval +   event +   events +   execcommand +   extension +   firefox +   form +   framework +   functional +   functionnal +   geek +   github +   gjs +   google +   greasemonkey +   hack +   highlight +   html +   http +   ie +   iframe +   javascript +   jQuery +   json +   jsquery +   kiss +   leak +   library +   lighttpd +   lowpro +   maps +   math +   metaprogramming +   microformats +   mootools +   mozilla +   msie +   oop +   opera +   pattern +   performance +   phone +   ppk +   presentation +   programmation +   programming +   prototype +   python +   rdf +   remote +   ruby +   Silverlight +   singleton +   slides +   SpiderMonkey +   storage +   svg +   tips +   tool +   tools +   tutorial +   unittest +   usability +   vb +   w3c +   WAI +   web +   webkit +   widget +   work +   www +   xhr +   xhtml +   xml +   y +   yahoo +   yui +