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PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tags js & docs

greut's TAGS related to tag js

agile +   ajax +   animation +   api +   article +   atom +   bbc +   best practice +   bookmarklet +   cache +   canvas +   chat +   closure +   code +   comet +   compatibility +   crossdomain +   datastore +   design +   dev +   docs +   eval +   event +   execcommand +   extension +   fear +   firebug +   firefox +   form +   framework +   functional +   geek +   google +   greasemonkey +   guide +   hack +   hackday +   hcard +   highlight +   html +   http +   iframe +   jabber +   javascript +   jQuery +   json +   jsquery +   leak +   library +   lighttpd +   maps +   mashup +   math +   microformats +   midas +   mootools +   mozilla +   msie +   muc +   oop +   opera +   operator +   performance +   ppk +   presentation +   programmation +   programming +   prototype +   python +   rdf +   rte +   ruby +   safari +   security +   Silverlight +   singleton +   skype +   SPARQL +   svg +   tips +   tommorris +   tool +   tools +   tutorial +   unittest +   vb +   video +   w3c +   web +   webkit +   widget +   www +   xbl +   xhr +   xhtml +   xml +   xmpp +   y +   yahoo +   yui +