March 2009
Announcing Hookah, the Web Hook Event Dispatcher « Web Hooks
The goal of Hookah is to take most of the work out of implementing web hooks. Ideally, Hookah will allow you to have all the features you need for successfully deploying web hooks and only need to add a few lines of code to your app. In fact, one line for each event! On top of that, the interface for Hookah is HTTP, so it’s not that different than directly invoking web hooks and works easily from any language.
webhooks are the last cool things.
December 2008
Agile Development Thoughts: Zero to Hyper Agile in 90 Days or Less
by 1 otherThis is an evolving web version of a book that I'm writing titled "Zero to Hyper Agile in 90 Days or Less."
a book as a blog.
June 2008
Ultimate multi-column liquid layouts (em and pixel widths)
by 4 othersThis series of layouts use pixel and em widths and relative positioning, and they work with all the common web browsers including Safari on the iPhone and iPod touch. They're also 'stackable' so you can use multiple column types on the one page.
liquid layout for the win!
October 2007
Remembering on the web - 5 reasons why social bookmarking doesn’t work
One common task while browsing the web is going sure you will be able to recall a valuable information you are just looking at. This article aims to prove that social bookmarking as in delicious, simpy, magnolia et al. is the wrong tool for that task.
One essay about the failures of actual social bookmarking systems.