public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler

September 2009 » Tatu Digital Media :: Websites, Product Demos, E-learning and web marketing strategy

Janet Fouts is a contributor to my Weblog by Syndication! Janet may just be one of the best content creators yet! I keep forgetting that a few of my Pen Pals Like Janet are Social Media Consultants -I want to acknowledge her talents in the field of Social Media! Even her Twitter page is a very subtle creation » Seth Levine’s VC Adventure: Welcoming the new Lijit Welcome Wijit

Have a look around my site and if the content interests you, consider subscribing to my site's feed. You can also use the handy search box below to find other interesting content from my blog, my on-line content, and throughout my trusted network and blog roll. » “We don’t see things as they are We see things as we are!” Talmud

Occasionally I get an E Mail from some- one questioning what I add to my website! If they read my About page it might give them some insight but then they couldn’t rag on me. “ Why do you add so many Google features or how come you feature The Bing Blog and the Lijit Search Box! ” I could tell them that Andy Quayle at Tech burgh my web hosting service is a Google Expert and has thru his blog taught me about Google! Lijit is not only a great addition to any website but has the best tech support on the WWW. The Bing Blog is a great read and also a fun search application! I use all my blog features period no favorites! My reblogs are done with Zemanta and I add good stuff with Apture » Newspapers as the Community Hub « State of the Fourth Estate

A Great Read!” SEPTEMBER 7 tags: austin american statesman, posterous, social media by Dave Levy There are some things that will newspapers will always be able to uniquely contribute when it comes to news and information. For a fascinating example, Steve Rubel pointed to a case at the American Statesman down in Austin last week, and it’s worth taking a close look not just because of the technology that Rubel is currently poster-childing. Posterous is a cool idea when it comes to expanding what can be done with the current “its” of social media: lifestreaming and microblogging. Looking in part like a Tumblr blog, it’s controlled through a very low participation barrier. No registration – just e-mail what you want to say and it starts your very own stream. That’s it. There is plenty of customization you can do, but there’s no need. It wins on two of the levels that Twitter did – simplicity and universal access – and that’s probably why Steve has gravitated to it. This post is not about Posterous, though, it’s about what the Statesman is doing with it. The paper is using the tool as a new way to continue what papers have been doing for hundreds of years: …bring the local community together with unique content that relates to them and only them.!” Dave Levy » Video: The Wall of Headlines – The Steve Rubel Lifestream

Video: The Wall of Headlines – The Steve Rubel Lifestream Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase How About this New Form Of Communication! “This week we moved into our new offices in New York City. Among the highlights, is a giant wall of headlines. Richard Edelman gives us a tour. There’s something about headlines that still gives me goosebumps. I hope that even in the age of streams, headlines don’t lose their punch. Another noteworthy item in our new offices is a giant HP Touchsmart PC. I had a chance to play with it the other day and will shoot some video to share next week. (HP is an Edelman client.)!” Steve Rubel » Share your Search with Bing and Ping

Share your Search with Bing and Ping We at the Bing team are firm believers in the idea that the only thing better than searching with Bing is sharing what you’ve found with your friends. That’s why we’ve been working on a potential new feature for Bing that does just that in a couple of clicks, which we call Bing & Ping. Let’s break this down with an example: say you use Bing’s Instant Answers feature to check the score of the game, and you notice that your buddy’s favorite team has just been beaten pretty handily. Say you want to “delicately” remind him of their less-than-stellar moves with the ball. Bing & Ping lets you share this NFL instant answer through various places, like Facebook, Twitter, or even email in as few as two clicks. Reminding someone that their team has no defense has never been easier (in spite of the screenshot below, we of course aren’t talking about our beloved Seahawks). » Let Your Passion Shine Through

Let Your Passion Shine Through I have had many discussions recently with people striving to be seen in this overwhelming world of social media. They seem to want to be noticed, but find it difficult to be seen. This caused me to think about what is different and similar between the world of social media and what we experience everyday. I started to think about some of the people that are talked about in social media, such as Guy Kawasaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Hsieh, Chris Brogan, and even myself. What do these individuals have in common? We are all very different, but we show our passion everyday. » Why Twitter is underhyped and is probably worth five to 10 billion dollars – scobleizer’s posterous

OK, this summer I’ve been to a lot of different places. London. New York. Boulder. Seattle. Hollywood. Los Angeles. Indianapolis. San Antonio. In each place it’s become obvious how much Twitter has taken over the world. In every city it seems like every business is drinking the Twitter koolaide.

August 2009 » WILSON: Legislators Sharing The Sacrifice? || | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More

WILSON: Legislators Sharing The Sacrifice? || | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More VN:F [1.6.3_896] Vote Saved. New Rating: 1 Shout out For WXYZ TV “(WXYZ) — While state leaders continue to bicker over how best to deal with Michigan’s budget shortfall, plenty of sacrifices are needed. But our Chief Investigative Reporter Steve Wilson has new information that shows some are sacrificing more than others. WATCH STEVE’S LATEST REPORT IN THE VIDEO PLAYER TO THE RIGHT If you were thinking perhaps our state legislators, the second highest-paid in the country, are out front to experience the same financial sacrifice as most other state employees facing drastic cutbacks and furloughs, think again. Like so many others, Amanda and Paul Tefft are struggling hard to survive the economic crisis in Michigan, even as the couple awaits the birth of their second child expected Christmas Eve, a baby brother for little Natalie who’s just two.!” Contributor: Ross Jones » Lifestreaming: Follow Your Posterous Peeps with RSS – The Steve Rubel Lifestream

Steve Rubel does a great How To On Posterous ! “As I mentioned last night, as more of my friends join Posterous and use it as a hub to populate their I am becoming a huge fan of their built in reader. It’s helping me discover all kinds of new, substantive content that is hard to find in Twitter or even multiple blog RSS feeds. Today I found out you can actually subscribe to the Posterous peeps you follow via RSS. Here’s how. First, visit in your browser. If you’re using Firefox, Safari or IE, the RSS icon should light up. Then all you need to do is subscribe to that feed. I am wondering if this one day will become my preferred input channel — especially if Posterous becomes as real-time as Friendfeed, Facebook and Twitter. It still feels slow right now, like blogging. Then again, much of the content already finds its way into all three sites. So this might be moot. Still, for now, it’s cool for me. !” Steve Rubel » Gallery: How the Leading Social Sites Describe Themselves – The Steve Rubel Lifestream

Gallery: How the Leading Social Sites Describe Themselves – The Steve Rubel Lifestream We might call this article by Steve Rubel from the Eye of The Hurricane! I have some select feeds on my site and make every attempt to reblog with Zemanta what I feel will help promote Social Media ! What I find is that many people really ignore the bookmarking sites ! I use Stumble Upon a lot and Only Wire among others ! What’s the secret ! Mr Rubel hints at it they may get lost in Silicon Valley Territory the protected land of the Geek’s ! Mr Rubel as a member of the Edelman Digital Team know you can’t brand what you cant’s See! August 26, 2009 “Gallery: How the Leading Social Sites Describe Themselve

» RevenBlog » Blog Archive » Copywriter Safari

RevenBlog » Blog Archive » Copywriter Safari Lijit Search Lijit Search Popular Searches comcast cares health watch lazyfeeds sonni abatta subaru zappos zemanta chris brogan freep fred wilson shel israel adaptive blue hipico de managua... mi

July 2009

» Digital Flotsam

Real Simple the Best Podcaster on the WWW P-Dub

Edelman Digital SocialmMention Search

Search: edelman digital July 9, 2009 edelman digital - Social Mention search Image representing Edelman Digital as depicted... Image via CrunchBase Interesting Results from Search On Edelman edelman digital - Social Mention search.

Featured user: Marshal Sandler | Zemanta Ltd.

Featured user: Marshal Sandler Posted by jure, under blogging experience on July 1st, 2009 Marshal Sandler is one of our most loyal users and probably also the oldest. We’re honored to have him follow our work and for his comments and links that he’s sending in our direction. That’s why I asked him to tell us a bit about his blog and his views on Zemanta. Here’s what he told us:

June 2009

» Likaholix - Levels

June 27, 2009 Likaholix - Levels Image of Likaholix from Twitter Image of Likaholix Thanks to Likaholix for recognition of my efforts to add relevant content to their Product ! I am now a Black Ninga -Of course I found out about Likaholix on so he and his get a shout out! Oh Yes the Twins called me on my Google Talk 248 677 8211 and gave me a personal shout out me ! Black Ninja - Invitation Only This is the most exclusive level on Likaholix. You will need to be invited by our community manager to become a Black Ninja. Black Ninjas are experts in their topic of interest and are featured prominently on topic pages. As a Black Ninja, Your entry will be strongly preferred over users' in lower levels, if you choose to enter any of the Likaholix topic competitions. Except in rare cases, only users at the Fiery Pro level get invitations to become a Black Ninja. Likaholix - Levels. Related articles by Zemanta * Likaholix: It's about what your like ( * Likaholix Rewards Early Active Users With Kindles, Adds Moderators ( * Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson - marshal sandler - Likaholix ( * Share personal recommendations on Likaholix ( * Likaholix Launches Recommendation Engine Based On Social "Liking" ( * Likaholix Rewards Early Active Users With Kindles, Adds Moderators (

» YouTube - Creating Screencast Videos on a Mac

June 20, 2009 YouTube - Creating Screencast Videos on a Mac Joe Taylor Jr and Revenflo did this video also when my Apple Of My I site was active ! YouTube - Creating Screencast Videos on a Mac.

» Charlie Rose - A conversation with author Richard Posner

One of Best Charlie Rose Interviews yet ! Charlie Rose - A conversation with author Richard Posner. Bookmark and Tag -Charlie Rose activism · animals · animation · anime · architecture · arts · astronomy · atheist · bizarre · blogs · books · cars · cartoons · cats · clothing · comics · computer-graphics · computers · cooking · crafts · cyberculture · drawing · drugs · environment · graphic-design · hacking · health · history · humor · illusions · internet · internet-tools · linguistics · linux · mathematics · movies · multimedia · music · online-games · open-source · painting · philosophy · photography · physics · politics · programming · psychology · relationships · satire · science · self-improvement · software · stumblers · travel · video · video-games · web-design · windows · writing ·

Ms12's Weblog

wordpress – Sent Using Google Toolbar Page By Dr Lev Selector Posted on June 10, 2009 by ms12 Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Reblossoming Content: Transforming Events Pages from Transitory to Evergreen « Ms12's Weblog

Reblossoming Content: Transforming Events Pages from Transitory to Evergreen By Bill Slawski, on June 3rd, 2009 A local environmental group in my area does a wonderful job of showing off information about upcoming events. Their calendar of “events to come” include things like an Annual Land Trust Conference, a local food forum addressing initiatives to get people to buy food locally to benefit the region economically and environmentally, an educational program

May 2009

Facebook Has Twitter Envy – But Why? « Ms12's Weblog

This is a great read no gotcha just good reasoning-Content like this is created by a person who has a clear conscience-The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one’s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong: Let your conscience be your guide.

marshal sandler .com: Archive

Tumblr Themes Archive come thru great

Use Utility to Reach Out to Attention Crash Consumers – Advertising Age – Steve Rubel « Ms12’s Weblog

Use Utility to Reach Out to Attention Crash Consumers – Advertising Age – Steve Rubel