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February 2009

I Was Shocked Today

Posted on Feb 17, 2009 by Frank Eliason in Personal, Social Media | 2 Comments Nobody seems to want me to blog about “Maggots in our Mushrooms.” I have been planning that post yesterday and today, but tomorrow is another day. Normally I am up on the blogs mentioning Comcast but today someone beat me to it. I received an email with a link to a TechCrunch blog: ”Survey of Insular Media Elite Says Twitter is Better Than Facebook for Business.” First let me say that I am not shocked that Twitter is better for business than Facebook. We are in both spaces and we definitely know Twitter is a better space to engage with your Customers. There is an easy reason why Twitter is so good: ”What are you doing?” Think about all the market research that goes into answering that very question. Now you can go to Twitter Search and get the answer to the question. As a business you can easily learn how people use your product or interact with your company. Here is the complete list:

Gotham Gal:Customer service rule number 1

Image via Wikipedia Gotham Gal:Customer service rule number 1. This an excellent article on customer service ! When my wife and I fly anywhere we send all our luggage by Fed EX , we carry on small gym bag that's it- the luggage is delivered right to our destination always when promised by Fed Ex with GUSTO Another good read on customer service is by Frank Eliason the customer service Maven at Comcast A Rebel with a Customer Service Cause? Related articles by Zemanta * Setting Your Customer Service Standards ( * Improve service by learning one word ( * Comcast Customer Service is Getting Personal? ( * An Hour with Comcast's Twitter Man ( * Twitter Skeptics Turned into Believers ( * Customer service rule number 1 ( follow MarshalSandler at follow me on my krumlr link Zimbio This website is featured on

So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares

February 14, 2009 So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image by via CrunchBase I would rather tweet a request than land in voice mail jail or have an e mail ignored-following your customers on Twitter is to me a great way to give service ! This last week I had to contact GMAC about my car lease after 5 minutes I wound up in Manila the Week before I had to contact AT&T about my bill got locked in Voice mail Jail, if either firms had been monitoring twitter they could respond-all service companies belong on twitter, if they care ! I have resolved any service problems with Comcast thru Twitter and their Service Comcast Cares . I once wanted more information on Comcast Web Mail that has been really beefed up ! I twittered got great response from a Tech at Comcast - Of course I am a fan of Comcast Cares they don't confuse efforts with results and their increased customer base proves it ! I also would not object if Comcast or any other firm I do business with advertised their services on Twitter ! I have A Squidoo Lense-Squidoo is a company founded by Seth Godin they informed me about their new tool bar ! I intstalled it is exellent but Squidoo has the brains to inform users - Talk to your customers they will listen ! I want ot thank My Friend in NY Dr Lev Selector for rebuilding my site When you are 72 years old you need a Tech Friend ! So Should a Business Be On Twitter?. Related articles by Zemanta * More Insight into Twitter: To Do or Not To Do? ( * Rethinking Twitter for Business | The Harte of Marketing ( * Custom Twitter Page for Wordpress Blog ( * Social Media Desktop ( * Yahoo Joins Twitter ( * Twitter Gets Another Round of Founding: Raises $35 Million ( * Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Squidoo Releases Twttrstrm.Com, A New Tool For Gathering Feedback From Your Twitter Followers ( * Loic Le Meur Blog: Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Twittelator Pro 1.6.2 and Twittelator Free 1.3 ship from Big Stone Phone ( * How to Sell Twitter to a Client (Or Even Your Own Boss) ( * Why does Comcast care about Twitter? (Video) ( Twitter follow MarshalSandler at Seth Check out my lens Software tracking

January 2009 » It’s About People, Not Technology

It’s About People, Not Technology Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase Finally some one has discussed Twitter as more than a toy ! I don’t read newspapers any more and only watch a few things on Pb-Yes ! I do download Ritmo Latino from NRP so if I get a tweet that interest’s me ! It is of value-I am not a teche but have gotten some info from a few on Twitter and It was of great value when I had trouble with my internet service and contacted Frank Eliason of Comcast Cares-

Time to be Frank » The big question for @comcastcares is: How will they scale?

This past week posted a story called Comcast’s Twitter Man. Of course I am one of a number of people on Twitter from Comcast. These positive stories have come about because of the great team I have and their efforts to improve the Customer experience. I am still shocked by it all. Whenever a story comes out like this it always brings about questions: usually scalability and existing Customer experience through other channels such as phone and chat. This post will answer the question on scalability. I am saving the discussion on improving the experience through all channels for the future Comcast corporate blog. That is a topic that is more relevant for that space instead of this one. But since I am a believer that social media engagement will be important in the coming years, I thought scalability is a great discussion for here.

October 2008 »

The Inner Bop Circle reviews what shall stand The Test of Time ! Yo Yo Ma, Sarah Brightman,Bach,-Henry Miller, Carlos Fuentes John Dos Passos,- ManhattenTransfer, Lou Donaldson, Bud Powell,Lennie Tristano, Ken Nordine,-Mickey Mouse, Cartoons,Animation, and the Winner Just May be the Puppett ! Related articles by Zemanta