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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags twitter & yahoo

February 2009

So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares

February 14, 2009 So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image by via CrunchBase I would rather tweet a request than land in voice mail jail or have an e mail ignored-following your customers on Twitter is to me a great way to give service ! This last week I had to contact GMAC about my car lease after 5 minutes I wound up in Manila the Week before I had to contact AT&T about my bill got locked in Voice mail Jail, if either firms had been monitoring twitter they could respond-all service companies belong on twitter, if they care ! I have resolved any service problems with Comcast thru Twitter and their Service Comcast Cares . I once wanted more information on Comcast Web Mail that has been really beefed up ! I twittered got great response from a Tech at Comcast - Of course I am a fan of Comcast Cares they don't confuse efforts with results and their increased customer base proves it ! I also would not object if Comcast or any other firm I do business with advertised their services on Twitter ! I have A Squidoo Lense-Squidoo is a company founded by Seth Godin they informed me about their new tool bar ! I intstalled it is exellent but Squidoo has the brains to inform users - Talk to your customers they will listen ! I want ot thank My Friend in NY Dr Lev Selector for rebuilding my site When you are 72 years old you need a Tech Friend ! So Should a Business Be On Twitter?. Related articles by Zemanta * More Insight into Twitter: To Do or Not To Do? ( * Rethinking Twitter for Business | The Harte of Marketing ( * Custom Twitter Page for Wordpress Blog ( * Social Media Desktop ( * Yahoo Joins Twitter ( * Twitter Gets Another Round of Founding: Raises $35 Million ( * Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Squidoo Releases Twttrstrm.Com, A New Tool For Gathering Feedback From Your Twitter Followers ( * Loic Le Meur Blog: Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Twittelator Pro 1.6.2 and Twittelator Free 1.3 ship from Big Stone Phone ( * How to Sell Twitter to a Client (Or Even Your Own Boss) ( * Why does Comcast care about Twitter? (Video) ( Twitter follow MarshalSandler at Seth Check out my lens Software tracking » Search Innovation & User Experience - Authenticities - Edelman Digital

Search Innovation & User Experience - Authenticities - Edelman Digital Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase I am glad to see they mentioned one of my Favorites Squidoo • Not content to supply you with sites to check out, Squiddoo gives you the chance to build one. It even suggests topics you might like to own. You get to populate your site, share it, group it, and respond to comments. Imagine if brands gave users the tools to build a personalized site with only the brand-specific information they found most relevant. posted by Mark Laporta you can follow Mike and other’s on Tabboid a free service from Hewlett Packard Tabbloid is a Customer of Edeman tabbloid_2009-02-07_0900-mike-laporta2 Search Innovation & User Experience - Authenticities - Edelman Digital. Related articles by Zemanta * Marketing Authentically with Personal Brands as Corporate All-Stars ( * Twttrstrm: Squidoo Turns Twitter into Yahoo Answers ( * May Be Disinformation ( follow me on my krumlr link Check out my lens

December 2008 » Multiple Images and Drag and Drop with Zemanta | Zemanta Ltd.

Image via CrunchBase My just be best active content management application for bloggers yet More than just Wikipedia links Zemanta will recommend links to many different web locations: • Amazon (for books and CD’s) • IMDB (Movies, actors and writers) • Blogs and Homepages of people and companies • Google Maps • YouTube videos • FaceBook, MyBlogLog and Twitter profiles of your friends • Yahoo Finance for Stock symbols and CrunchBase for startups • Wikipedia, ITIS (Taxonomic system), NCBI (Biotechnology), MusicBrainz Multiple images You can insert multiple images into your blog post by using drag and drop. Case studies: Zemanta for Music and Book bloggers Are you blogging about Music or Books? Take a look at our case studies to figure out how to make the best of Zemanta to help you blog faster and also make some money in the process: • Zemanta for Book Bloggers: • Zemanta for Music Bloggers:

October 2008 » Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education

Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education DETROIT - SEPTEMBER 28: Democratic presidenti... Image by Getty Images via Daylife It is time now for Detroit Parents to get a New City Council ! Kids who don’t learn don’t earn ! Obama Learned ! Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education Related articles by Zemanta » Detroit News Online | Technology

Just activated The Detroit News On Twitter ! Nice to see the News involved in Digital Media ! Detroit News Online | Technology. » Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama -

Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama - The Audacity of Hope Image via Wikipedia This Article is why Good Newspaper’s Are Necessary ! “But we’re not at Election Day yet, and if voters are to have their final say, both America and Obama have to get there safely. The McCain campaign has crossed the line between tough negative campaigning and inciting vigilantism, and each day the mob howls louder. The onus is on the man who says he puts his country first to call off the dogs, pit bulls and otherwise.” By FRANK RICH

September 2008 » Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct!

Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct! NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 29: The New York Times bu... Image by Getty Images via Daylife This is a true politically correct statement! Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News . » Mobasoft, LLC » Blog Archive » MobaTalk, Parts is parts - I’m building

Mobasoft, LLC » Blog Archive » MobaTalk, Parts is parts - I’m building Two iPod wall chargers, with FireWire (left) a... Image via Wikipedia Just received this September 27, 2008 4:03:37 PM GMT-04:00 MobaTalk Project Development Update MobaTalk Multimedia Messaging It look’s like Michael has really done a complete redesign ! It will Rock !