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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags twitter & youtube

23 December 2008 19:30 » Multiple Images and Drag and Drop with Zemanta | Zemanta Ltd.

Image via CrunchBase My just be best active content management application for bloggers yet More than just Wikipedia links Zemanta will recommend links to many different web locations: • Amazon (for books and CD’s) • IMDB (Movies, actors and writers) • Blogs and Homepages of people and companies • Google Maps • YouTube videos • FaceBook, MyBlogLog and Twitter profiles of your friends • Yahoo Finance for Stock symbols and CrunchBase for startups • Wikipedia, ITIS (Taxonomic system), NCBI (Biotechnology), MusicBrainz Multiple images You can insert multiple images into your blog post by using drag and drop. Case studies: Zemanta for Music and Book bloggers Are you blogging about Music or Books? Take a look at our case studies to figure out how to make the best of Zemanta to help you blog faster and also make some money in the process: • Zemanta for Book Bloggers: • Zemanta for Music Bloggers: