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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags twitter & tech

February 2009

So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares

February 14, 2009 So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image by via CrunchBase I would rather tweet a request than land in voice mail jail or have an e mail ignored-following your customers on Twitter is to me a great way to give service ! This last week I had to contact GMAC about my car lease after 5 minutes I wound up in Manila the Week before I had to contact AT&T about my bill got locked in Voice mail Jail, if either firms had been monitoring twitter they could respond-all service companies belong on twitter, if they care ! I have resolved any service problems with Comcast thru Twitter and their Service Comcast Cares . I once wanted more information on Comcast Web Mail that has been really beefed up ! I twittered got great response from a Tech at Comcast - Of course I am a fan of Comcast Cares they don't confuse efforts with results and their increased customer base proves it ! I also would not object if Comcast or any other firm I do business with advertised their services on Twitter ! I have A Squidoo Lense-Squidoo is a company founded by Seth Godin they informed me about their new tool bar ! I intstalled it is exellent but Squidoo has the brains to inform users - Talk to your customers they will listen ! I want ot thank My Friend in NY Dr Lev Selector for rebuilding my site When you are 72 years old you need a Tech Friend ! So Should a Business Be On Twitter?. Related articles by Zemanta * More Insight into Twitter: To Do or Not To Do? ( * Rethinking Twitter for Business | The Harte of Marketing ( * Custom Twitter Page for Wordpress Blog ( * Social Media Desktop ( * Yahoo Joins Twitter ( * Twitter Gets Another Round of Founding: Raises $35 Million ( * Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Squidoo Releases Twttrstrm.Com, A New Tool For Gathering Feedback From Your Twitter Followers ( * Loic Le Meur Blog: Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Twittelator Pro 1.6.2 and Twittelator Free 1.3 ship from Big Stone Phone ( * How to Sell Twitter to a Client (Or Even Your Own Boss) ( * Why does Comcast care about Twitter? (Video) ( Twitter follow MarshalSandler at Seth Check out my lens Software tracking

January 2009

October 2008

[trends] iPhone vs. .Google Phone | TechBurgh

TechBurgh * TechBurgh Ticker ↑ Grab this Headline Animator * Categories o Apple Tech o Blog Tech o Blogroll o Browser Tech o Chris Brogan Inspired o Competitions o Contributors o Definitions o E3 o Facebook o Fashion Tech o Free Tech o Gadget Tech o Gaming o Girl Tech Girls o Google Tech o Green Tech o Home Tech o Hulu o ITPittsburgh o Kid Tech o Media Tech o Microsoft Tech o Mobile Tech o Podcamp o Questions Answered o Security Tech o Site Reviews o Social Tech o Syndicated Content o TechBurgh Podcasts o TechBurgh Tech o Tutorials o Twitter Tech o Uncategorized o Vehicle Tech o Video Tech o WebApp Wednesdays o Word Wide Tech o Wordpress * * Users o Log in o Entries RSS o Comments RSS o * Archives o October 2008 o September 2008 o August 2008 o July 2008 o June 2008 o May 2008 o April 2008 o March 2008 o February 2008 o January 2008 o December 2007 o November 2007 o October 2007 o September 2007 o August 2007 o July 2007 o June 2007 * Pittsburgh Bloggers * Add to Technorati Favorites * * PageRank Tubu Powered Icon Add to Mixx! Quantcast * * View blog authority * Blog Network: Name: Topics: tech, news, gadgets Join my network Blog Networks [trends] iPhone vs. .Google Phone Posted by: Andy on Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

September 2008