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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags twitter & tumblr

September 2009 » Newspapers as the Community Hub « State of the Fourth Estate

A Great Read!” SEPTEMBER 7 tags: austin american statesman, posterous, social media by Dave Levy There are some things that will newspapers will always be able to uniquely contribute when it comes to news and information. For a fascinating example, Steve Rubel pointed to a case at the American Statesman down in Austin last week, and it’s worth taking a close look not just because of the technology that Rubel is currently poster-childing. Posterous is a cool idea when it comes to expanding what can be done with the current “its” of social media: lifestreaming and microblogging. Looking in part like a Tumblr blog, it’s controlled through a very low participation barrier. No registration – just e-mail what you want to say and it starts your very own stream. That’s it. There is plenty of customization you can do, but there’s no need. It wins on two of the levels that Twitter did – simplicity and universal access – and that’s probably why Steve has gravitated to it. This post is not about Posterous, though, it’s about what the Statesman is doing with it. The paper is using the tool as a new way to continue what papers have been doing for hundreds of years: …bring the local community together with unique content that relates to them and only them.!” Dave Levy

October 2008 » Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education

Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education DETROIT - SEPTEMBER 28: Democratic presidenti... Image by Getty Images via Daylife It is time now for Detroit Parents to get a New City Council ! Kids who don’t learn don’t earn ! Obama Learned ! Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education Related articles by Zemanta » Detroit News Online | Technology

Just activated The Detroit News On Twitter ! Nice to see the News involved in Digital Media ! Detroit News Online | Technology.

September 2008 » Micro Persuasion-Time Management!

Micro Persuasion-Time Management! Bose–Einstein condensate Image via Wikipedia Interesting how cleverly Steve Rubel creates a time management system! Micro Persuasion. My webtips Alda Events - Above and Beyond | 'Beeld van c Mijn Woordenboek. Online verta » Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct!

Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct! NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 29: The New York Times bu... Image by Getty Images via Daylife This is a true politically correct statement! Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News . » Mobasoft, LLC » Blog Archive » MobaTalk, Parts is parts - I’m building

Mobasoft, LLC » Blog Archive » MobaTalk, Parts is parts - I’m building Two iPod wall chargers, with FireWire (left) a... Image via Wikipedia Just received this September 27, 2008 4:03:37 PM GMT-04:00 MobaTalk Project Development Update MobaTalk Multimedia Messaging It look’s like Michael has really done a complete redesign ! It will Rock !

digital-with-reblog » RevenFlo » RevenFlo Launches New Website for York School District One, district office and all schools Web Marketing Services

September 2, 2008 RevenFlo » RevenFlo Launches New Website for York School District One, district office and all schools Web Marketing Services Filed under: — Tags: American Civil Liberties Union, Civil rights, Corporal punishment, Education in the United States, North Carolina, School district, United States, United States Department of Education — Digtital Move's @ 8:45 pm Strawberry, North Carolina state red berryImage via Wikipedia Congradulations ! My friend Jason Broadwater a web marketing executive and educator has launched the York School District in to the Digital Age ! Jason write books music and web site development techniques these will be well educated Children! Jason Broadwater is a writer, a musician, and an entrepreneur. He holds a BA and an MFA in writing and taught writing and English at the secondary level for four years. Jason owns and operates Prose Productions, a web and text solutions business. Mr. Broadwater makes his home in North Carolina where he is currently channeling his energies into his literary career.